In August, 1986, I had just turned 37 and was thoroughly enjoying my life. And then the bottom fell out. After a grand mal seizure that sent me sprawling onto an asphalt tennis court, many hospital tests, and two surgeries, I was diagnosed as having a grade 3 anaplastic astrocytoma.  


A friend of mine, Mary Anderson, had been telling me for a while that I should give her best friend, Virginia Harper, a call as she felt sure that she would be able to offer me some hope through an alternative approach –  Macrobiotics.

CROHN’S / IBS (stress, fertility)

Mimi Lange Johnston I was born premature, weighing 3lb 3 oz. I spent 1 month in an incubator before being discharged. I had all the usual childhood illnesses–chickenpox, mumps, scarlet fever. I began having Crohn’s symptoms as a teenager, but didn’t go to the doctor about it till my mid-20s. I was diagnosed with Crohn’s […]

OCD – Mental Health

As any newcomer to macrobiotics will find, there is a whole new understanding of food, our bodies, the environment and the unique language used. Considering the quality of life I had for the past 11 years, I was willing to give it a try. Within my first two weeks, I had already noticed a significant change.

CROHN’S (allergies, eczema, asthma)

The macrobiotic diet has been responsible for Jonas’ healing. It’s hard to measure the associated benefits of the hope offered by this path as well as the sense of control and responsibility for one’s own health.


My regular visits to the chiropractor gave me temporary relief, but not lasting. One day the chiropractor gave me Virginia Harper’s name. I had met Ginny a year earlier at a Macrobiotic Seminar, and though receptive to her, I did not get involved at the time.

November 2020

The beauty of fall is all around us. The colors and the fluctuation in weather are consistent with the changing of the season.  The environment may be familiar, like every other year, but the atmosphere carries a distinct difference. As the seasonal energy brings us back inside our homes, our emotions may begin to feel […]

August 2020

We recognize August as the last month of the summer.  The signal that summer is ending used to be the beginning of the school year.  Now due to the many changes that have challenged the normality of life as we know it, even that event does not serve as a clear sign anymore. In my past […]

July 2020

  July, here in America, represents “freedom”, and so we celebrate on the 4th, with a focus on our liberties and the pursuit of happiness with the importance of maintaining them both.  Don’t worry I am not going political on you we have other venues for that.           My focus is […]

May 2019

Happy Liver means a smooth transition into spring and summer.  In Macrobiotic living, we respect and support our surrounding environment because we are interconnected with it. I’ve made a list for you to refer to as you make dietary and lifestyle adjustments during this time. These are some of the most common symptoms that indicate […]

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