
She continues on her macrobiotic journey, a bit more committed than mine! We both may be on the (macrobiotic) cruise this year–she for the food, me for the cooking classes!


She visit Ginny Harper who is into macrobiotic cooking and shiatsu massage. After a few visits, Margaret noticed her energy coming back and her personality being revived.


Learning about and living the macrobiotic lifestyle had been one of the greatest experiences of my life. It transformed me into a more enlightened, healthy individual. It not only changed my life, it’s saved my life.

CROHN’S / IBS (stress, fertility)

Mimi Lange Johnston I was born premature, weighing 3lb 3 oz. I spent 1 month in an incubator before being discharged. I had all the usual childhood illnesses–chickenpox, mumps, scarlet fever. I began having Crohn’s symptoms as a teenager, but didn’t go to the doctor about it till my mid-20s. I was diagnosed with Crohn’s […]

OCD – Mental Health

As any newcomer to macrobiotics will find, there is a whole new understanding of food, our bodies, the environment and the unique language used. Considering the quality of life I had for the past 11 years, I was willing to give it a try. Within my first two weeks, I had already noticed a significant change.


My regular visits to the chiropractor gave me temporary relief, but not lasting. One day the chiropractor gave me Virginia Harper’s name. I had met Ginny a year earlier at a Macrobiotic Seminar, and though receptive to her, I did not get involved at the time.


In July 2005, when I was almost 12, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. For several years prior to that I had not been feeling my best. I had vomited and had cramping in my abdomen fairly frequently. Also, at 12 years of age, I was 4’6” tall and weighed only 57lbs.

This season, increased yield of honey

Integer maximus accumsan nunc, sit amet tempor lectus facilisis eu. Cras vel elit felis. Vestibulum convallis ipsum id aliquam varius. Etiam nec laoreet turpis. Aenean nisi libero, tempor non sem vitae, hendrerit egestas ex. Nam magna odio, placerat ac risus tristique, viverra tincidunt nibh. Donec vitae leo efficitur, bibendum nibh ac, pretium urna. Vestibulum nunc […]

Our beekeepers begin to collect honey

Integer maximus accumsan nunc, sit amet tempor lectus facilisis eu. Cras vel elit felis. Vestibulum convallis ipsum id aliquam varius. Etiam nec laoreet turpis. Aenean nisi libero, tempor non sem vitae, hendrerit egestas ex. Nam magna odio, placerat ac risus tristique, viverra tincidunt nibh. Donec vitae leo efficitur, bibendum nibh ac, pretium urna. Vestibulum nunc […]

Definition of the honey naturalness

Integer maximus accumsan nunc, sit amet tempor lectus facilisis eu. Cras vel elit felis. Vestibulum convallis ipsum id aliquam varius. Etiam nec laoreet turpis. Aenean nisi libero, tempor non sem vitae, hendrerit egestas ex. Nam magna odio, placerat ac risus tristique, viverra tincidunt nibh. Donec vitae leo efficitur, bibendum nibh ac, pretium urna. Vestibulum nunc […]

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