October 2023

As the sweltering heat of a Tennessee summer gives way to the cool breezes of autumn, we can see and feel nature’s transformation. The fall season dances with colors and bountiful harvests. I love going to the farmer’s markets this time of year with their variety of pumpkins, squashes, and cider choices, all from local […]

August 2023

Tuesday night, August 1, was a gorgeous full moon. Did you see it? Did you feel it? I always feel my energy shift before I realize it’s a full moon. Full moons make me feel energized and creative, and my mood is always lifted.  This year, during August, we get to experience 2 full moons.The first August moon is identified by its reddish […]


I am writing to let you know how much my family and I truly have done to heal our sick son Jacob. As you know, Jacob was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. Relying on potent drugs was all we could do to alleviate the pain.


She continues on her macrobiotic journey, a bit more committed than mine! We both may be on the (macrobiotic) cruise this year–she for the food, me for the cooking classes!


She visit Ginny Harper who is into macrobiotic cooking and shiatsu massage. After a few visits, Margaret noticed her energy coming back and her personality being revived.

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