October 2024

Many of you know that I have been teaching the importance of maintaining a healthy gut for 35 years. When science finally caught up, it was referred to as the microbiome. Now, it’s even mentioned in commercials, so it seems that everyone is familiar with the terminology. A French scientist named Joel Dore and his […]

September 2024

Can you feel autumn in the air?  I think we are all ready for a bit of cooler weather and some precipitation here in Nashville.  I often discuss seasonal cooking and eating. It’s one of my foundational teaching concepts. My program has many educational components, but seasonal health awareness is at the top of the […]

Seasonal Cooking Class: August 10th

It’s late summer. It’s time to cook for the Spleen, Pancreas, and Stomach. Menu: Millet Sweet Veggie Soup Black Bean Avocado Dish Pressed Salad

July 2024

July marks the half-year mark. The goals and intentions set at the beginning of the year have become dust or are well on the way to being accomplished.  Either way, there is always time to catch your breath and renew. A few friends and I got together last weekend and did a mid-year vision board. […]

June 2024

We usually associate February with the heart season because we consider it the month we celebrate love. But in macrobiotics, we begin to focus on the heart right about now, as we enter the summer months.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine, we are taught that seasonal changes influence the function of our organ systems through a […]

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