March 2023

“Take Care” is a standard salutation we consistently use when saying goodbye to someone.  We say it when a person has been through a difficult emotional problem or a health challenge as a loving intention for them. Self-care means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both physical and mental […]

January 2023

January is the reset month.  Being the first month of the new year, there is a sense of taking this opportunity to reset.  I like the word reset.  My daughter used it to refer to her intentions as she planned for January. To me, it seems to give a feeling of flexibility to what you want to […]

December 2022

As the year comes to an end, we may have a checklist that’s essential for us to finish.  It gives me a sense of accomplishment when I see my intentions being fulfilled.After quarantine was lifted, this year became a steady build-up of activity, both with work and socially. It’s been a year of building momentum.  I’ve been cognizant of respecting my energy now that […]

November 2022

November is the month that brings our attention to being grateful. We are still in the midst of harvest season and nature’s seasonal change.  We’ve had a beautiful autumn here in Nashville, which has filled my eyes and my mind with wonderful colors.  I have been nurtured by all the fall vegetables, and my heart […]

October 2022

September 22nd marked the equinox, where summer energy began to phase into fall energy.  You feel it in the crispness of the air, and you see it in the changing leaves of the trees. You often hear me talk about and make reference to the movement of energy, whether it’s in the food we eat or how we interact […]

September 2022

September is considered the fifth season.  Until the 23rd of September, when the fall equinox marks the beginning of the fall season, late August and early September are considered late summer. The weather begins to change to where we feel the heat during the day and coolness at night.  Chinese medicine, along with the macrobiotic lifestyle philosophy, make us aware […]

August 2022

August indicates the last month of summer.  It seems unreal that summer is about over, and although I will enjoy a respite from the heat,  I will miss the long days and beautiful sunsets. As we wrap up the summer cooking series, focusing on the heart and small intestines, I want to reiterate the information from last month’s class during […]

July 2022

We are experiencing a new moon in July.  The sky is clear, and the moon’s curvature is highlighted against the night sky.  You can’t miss it.  So much of nature’s beauty is missed because we don’t take the time to be present. As I read through the meanings of a new moon in astrology, spirituality, and science, the common […]

June 2022

We usually think of February as the “heart” month, mostly because of Valentine’s Day and the fact that we represent the emotion of love with the heart symbol. However, it is now June, and in Traditional Chinese medicine, we learn that the heart is stimulated and activated (along with the small intestines) to recycle its energy during the summer months.  These systems […]

May 2022

May is named for the Roman goddess Maia, who oversaw the growth of plants. Maia was considered a nurturer and an earth goddess, which may explain the connection with this springtime month. The name also comes from the Latin word maiores, “elders,” who were traditionally celebrated during this month. Elders are honored for their life […]

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