MMMC Open House

You’re Invited! Join us on September 29, 2022 for our Mobile Macro Meals Club Open House. Curious about our meals? Come to our Open House to sample our lovingly-prepared meals. You’ll have the opportunity to meet our new Chef, as well as some of your like-minded community members! We will have our featured MAC […]

September 2022

September is considered the fifth season.  Until the 23rd of September, when the fall equinox marks the beginning of the fall season, late August and early September are considered late summer. The weather begins to change to where we feel the heat during the day and coolness at night.  Chinese medicine, along with the macrobiotic lifestyle philosophy, make us aware […]

August 2022

August indicates the last month of summer.  It seems unreal that summer is about over, and although I will enjoy a respite from the heat,  I will miss the long days and beautiful sunsets. As we wrap up the summer cooking series, focusing on the heart and small intestines, I want to reiterate the information from last month’s class during […]

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