Cooking Class: 07/11/20

 Seasonal Cooking Class

the Macrobiotic way!!!
YOU CAN HEAL YOU brings our monthly seasonal cooking class to YOU!

Seasonal Cooking Class is both a live-stream online cooking demo and attendance for (6) six participants at our home kitchen which includes the meal.

Saturday, July 11th at 9.30 a.m. CST (Nashville, TN)
Please register by Wednesday 7/08/2020 so we can send you recipes and the Zoom link on Friday.

$22 live stream class, $50 for in person class and meal


Watermelon Gazpacho with White Miso
Crispy Tempeh Fingers w. honey mustard sauce
Millet Cauliflower Mash
Broccoli Slaw with Arame

To Register Click Blue “Cooking Class” button below to send an email OR call/text our YCHY office line at:  615-249-8287

Payment can be made with Credit card, Venmo, or check mailed by Friday, July 10.
You will receive the recipes and your Zoom link to sign in the day before.

Why eating with the season is beneficial to your body:
     Seasonal cooking has taken on the popularity of its own as society’s consciousness grows toward stewardship of our natural resources and our daily foods we consume.
     Seasonal produce refers to the times of the year when the harvest or the flavor of a given type of food is at its peak reducing the greenhouse gas emissions.  Together this is defined as a low carbon diet.
     Seasonal eating refers to the understanding that certain organs are more active during different seasons. By respecting this energetic flow of nature we can support our health and well-being with seasonal consciousness.
These monthly seasonal cooking classes guide and teach you how and why your health will be better maintained through seasonal cooking.
Cooking Class

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