Virginia to Conduct Informational Digestive Healing Forum

The goal of this forum is to provide information for the prevention, natural treatment, and reversal of digestive disease. You will hear from parents and children who have successfully experienced freedom from symptoms of Crohn’s, colitis, diverticulitis, & celiac disease by simply applying nutritional and lifestyle changes.

The forum will be moderated by Marisa Marinelli. Marisa’s healing story was featured on the cable show “The Incurables” hosted by Jewel. You will learn about the factors (i.e. food combinations, environmental, & emotional) which stress the body and lead to inflammation and digestive degeneration; as well as how to rebuild and support the healing process from
a panel of experts.

Speakers and topics will include:

  • Founder and Director of You Can Heal You, a hands-on nutritional program for the reversal of digestive disease, and author of Controlling Crohn’s Dis-ease the Natural Way, Virginia M. Harper- “ Food Does Matter.”
  • Psychotherapist and Family Therapist, Rebekah Walker – “The Emotions Have To Heal Too.”
  • LMT and CLT Denise Gleason- “Aid Healing the Immune System through Lymphatic Massage.”

Free to the public.

To be held at Lipscomb University Burton Health Science Building
One University Park Dr.
Saturday, April 28, 2012

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