Mobile Macro Meals Club: Jan 2019

Mobile Macro Meals Club
It’s not too late to register!
Deliveries begin Thursday January 3rd

You will enjoy having a complete meal with generous portions that allow for leftovers delivered to your home or office on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Club Member Testimonials:
Thanks very much to you, Virginia, Niles, and everyone involved in creating and delivering these fabulous healing meals.

Mary Nell Bryan

I love the meals! Not only are they home made, but they are healing!

Delicious Gourmet Meals delivered right to your front door!

Fresh and Delicious Macrobiotic Meals Prepared Weekly
Virginia Harper, author of Controlling Crohn’s the Natural Way and founder of You Can Heal You, is pleased to present a weekly and bi-weekly healing meal plan for pick-up or delivery. Now you and your family or friends can conveniently enjoy high-quality seasonal macrobiotic meals prepared fresh.

Why join the club?
You will receive vegan, gluten free meals that are prepared with seasonal ingredients by a trained chef.

You will enjoy having a full meal up to 2x/week with generous portions that allow for leftovers delivered to your home or office.

You will experience and learn what a seasonal balanced meal looks like.

You will receive the weekly menu posting.

Click Here to Join The Club

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