April 2018

Did someone say April showers? I don’t know about you but it’s been a few years since I remember quite a wet Spring like this one. But, not wind nor rain has deterred the beautiful display of color flowering in my yard.
This time of year we are reminded of new beginnings. Nature is our guide …no matter how rough the winter has been it manages to bloom and display its beauty.

We can feel the transition ourselves. Our bodies want to move more. In order to move more, it has to decongest the heaviness of winter. How DO YOU decongest? Is it stiffness, allergies, headaches? These are just a few of the symptoms you may feel during this process.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, we learn that the organ system that is more active in Spring is the paired organs Gall Bladder and Liver. This system is responsible for the lipid and chemical flow throughout our body. The GB job is to break down fats and to help digest fatty foods. The LV job is to metabolize fat and redirect usable fats form non-usable fats. It is known as the chemical factory of the body as it redistributes nutrients absorbed by the small intestine.
What does it all mean? Simply… you have control of how uncomfortable you allow the process to be.

This month’s cooking class will focus on what foods and cooking techniques are appropriate this time of year to help the GB and LV transition. It only takes putting a few techniques in place for you to feel symptom-free and allow you to enjoy Spring blossoms.

Happy Spring everyone,


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